Gateacre School Admissions Policy

Admissions Consultation

We are consulting on admissions arrangements for students applying for places for year 7 in the academic year beginning September 2026.

This consultation will run for 6 weeks from 13 December 24 until 24 January 2025 in line with the School Admissions Code 2021.

The Schools Admission Code requires all admissions authorities to consult on any changes proposed to their admissions arrangements.

The Pupil Admission Number for Gateacre School remains unchanged at 240 pupils.

In the last two years the school has been oversubscribed.

It is proposed to amend oversubscription criteria through the introduction of banding.

Pupil ability banding (Section 100 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998) is a permitted form of selection used by schools to ensure that the intake for the school includes a proportionate spread of children of different abilities.  Banding will be used to produce an intake that is representative of the national ability range.  

Changes to the admissions policy for Gateacre school are intended to bring the school in line with other Trust secondary schools with the aim of maintaining a comprehensive intake in all year groups that will serve the local community as the demand for places in the school increases.

Gateacre School Draft Admissions Arrangements 2026 – 2027

Gateacre Admissions Policy 2026 Draft v3

DFE Admissions code 2021

Your Questions

We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Please contact us at and we will respond as quickly as possible.

Your views

We would welcome your views on our consultation. Please ensure you respond to the consultation by noon on 24 January 2025. You can respond by Emailing your views to