Gateacre Scholars

This term at Gateacre we are delighted to share that we have launched a year 7 Scholars programme. 18 students were identified as being eligible and all have now applied and successfully gained a place on the programme following a parental launch event. The long-term programme will support the widening participation of students throughout their secondary school journey; enriching the subject knowledge and experiences of the very highest ability.

The Scholars started an 8-week Ceramics project this week and they also went on an Educational visit to Liverpool Waterfront where they visit the ‘Wonderous place’ exhibition in the Liverpool Museum, went onboard the Mersey ferry to view Liverpool landmarks from the water and then visited the Slavery Museum. This has given these students an opportunity to discover lots of interesting facts about Liverpool, the city, its culture, heritage and its history. Throughout the day and following the visit students have been tasked with completing curriculum activities linked to what they have seen and encouraging them to be mindful of the places they have visited and experience they have had.

Next month the Scholars will also start a 6-week project introducing them to Latin. We are really excited for the Scholars programme at Gateacre to evolve to ensure that our most able students are appropaitely enriched, motivated and challenged to continue their academic trajectory. We look forward to celebrating the successes of our Scholars!