Our Community

Working with the local community is important to everyone at Gateacre School.
Many facets of school life extend beyond the classroom and into the wider community which enriches relationships between home, school and the community, to everyone’s benefit.

We value the excellent relationships with our local community and primary schools which have resulted from many years of working collaboratively. We have always had strong links with employers and continue to do so and we are always developing innovative working partnerships with local agencies and organisations.

Community Partners

Gateacre School has a strong commitment to build strong working relations with the local community and the local people. Businesses and groups are encouraged to work with us to build strong links that go beyond education. For example, we work closely with AdLib Audio, Riverside Housing and Belle Vale Shopping Centre.

Primary Schools

We have strong links with our local primary schools and work together to ensure a smooth and seamless transition between schools.

The transition programme starts during Year 6 when our Assistant Head Teacher, Mr. Creed, visits all our feeder primary schools to meet our new students. Towards the end of the Summer Term Y6 students attend the school for whole day’s induction to secondary school life. They will have the opportunity to meet their Academic Tutors, other members of their House Form and their new subject teachers. Parents/Carers are invited to a welcome evening to meet their child’s Academic Tutor, their head of House and their Assistant Head of House. Throughout the day, and indeed their time at Gateacre, Sixth Form students, who are in the same House, are on hand to help and support the students and to make them feel at home in the new environment.

Gateacre School’s Parent, Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA)

Did you know you are automatically a PTFA member because you have a child at Gateacre School?  If you can give some time to attend our committee meetings, normally once per half term, or can help at events, this will make a BIG difference. Please come along.

PTFA is an enthusiastic and friendly group of parents, staff and friends of the school working in partnership with Gateacre School. We raise additional funds for new equipment and facilities through events and community-wide activities. Being a part of the PTFA is one of the best ways to become involved in the school and keep up-to-date. All members bring a variety of much appreciated skills and talents so there are lots of ways to be involved. We extend an open invitation for you to join us at any stage during the school year. Please see the main online school calendar, Facebook or Twitter @GateacrePTFA for future dates.

At each meeting our agenda guides us through an informal and relaxed meeting, where we organise and discuss new ideas for fundraising and improve on our existing ideas.

We encourage community involvement whenever possible and so look to partner with local businesses and media thus raising the profile of the school. Our events have helped Gateacre School to purchase additional items such as whole schools visits to Liverpool City Centre for the museums, Space Port and a trip on the Ferry. Sports kits, visits by exotic animals in Geography, Art Dept. equipment and most recently a large donation to help renovate the school barn.