Personal Development

SMSC & Cultural Capital

Year 10
  • Students explore the values & beliefs of others through the study of cultural and social diversity

  • Students develop their understanding of human feelings and emotion through an assessment of how individuals can develop self-concepts and self-esteem. Done through the examination of external factors impacting the development of people throughout the various life stages.

  • Students investigate moral values and ethical issues by exploring the purpose of care values in the delivery of high quality care. Students will also explore the morality and ethics of a range of health promotions and how the use of shock tactics can raise both moral and ethical issues.

  • Students recognise right & wrong and apply it through a range of case studies related to the care values and the impact on individuals if these values are not respected

  • Students develop their understanding of consequence through the study of the consequences of poor values care for the individual, family members, professional, the institution and society at large.

  • Students develop personal qualities & social skills through a range of discussions (often on sensitive issues such as care provision for the elderly.). Debates require a sensitive and mature approach.

  • Students participate, cooperate & resolve conflict through discussions, group work and pair work. Students will be given the opportunity to work together on presentations and delivery of health promotions

  • Students develop their understanding of how societies function through the study of social influences on development including an exploration of the impact of socialisation on the health of the individual, local community and nation as a whole.

  • Students explore, understand & respect diversity through the study and application of the care values

  • Students participate & respond to cultural activities by examining and comparing the use of health promotions from across the globe, analysing how the tactics and content can change depending on the target audience.

  • Students develop their understanding & appreciation of personal influences through the study of the impact of our surroundings on the health of individuals and social groups. Students will also study the impact of health care provision on the nation as a whole.

  • Students will be required to allocate roles when designing and delivering health promotion campaigns. This will involve taking on board the ideas of others and arriving at agreed outcomes and solutions.

  • A range of health promotions are examined in order to assess how effective they are at providing the individual and the nation with information so that they can make informed choices regarding their health.

  • The importance of social diversity is discussed as well as the impact it has on society.

  • Students to recognise the importance of respecting an individual’s faith as part of the care values.

Year 11

  •  Students experience fascination, awe and wonder through the study of social structures including power, status, prestige and privilege in society and how these factors can have a direct influence on health.

  • Students explore the values & beliefs of others as well as developing their understanding of human feelings and emotion by investigating the various stages of development that influence future life perspectives. This does include impact of religious beliefs but also wider issues such as culture and peer/family networks.

  • Students investigate moral values and ethical issues by recognising right & wrong by applying it whilst developing their understanding of consequences of actions by exploring how the actions of individuals can have an impact (positive and negative) on those around them. Students are expected to draw on their own experiences and apply to real life scenarios they have faced.

  • Students develop personal qualities & social skills through a range of discussions (often on controversial issues such as inequality, elitism, poverty, crime, prejudice and discrimination etc.). Debates require a sensitive and mature approach.

  • Students participate, cooperate & resolve conflict through discussions, group work and pair work. Students will be given the opportunity to work together on presentations.

  • Students develop their understanding of how societies function through the study of the role of community involvement in the promotion of positive health practices.  

  • Students explore, understand & respect diversity through the study of social differentiation (social class, gender, ethnicity, age, disability and sexuality) and their relative life chances and lifestyles.

  • Students participate & respond to cultural activities through the comparison of different approaches to health and care provision.

  • Students develop their understanding & appreciation of personal influences by an exploration of external factors on the development of individuals including the wider social issues such as relationships and the economy.

  • Students study the role of person centred care and the importance of disseminating information that is relevant to others.

  • Examples of formal and informal social control is examined in the context of the impact on PIES development.

  • the ability for people to make their own choices is discussed as well as how they can be influenced by external forces.

  • Life chances of various social groups (including social class, ethnicity, gender, disability and sexuality) all studied.

  • Students study the impact that culture can have on PIES development.

Year 12
  • Students experience fascination, awe and wonder through the study of sociological theory (e.g. Marx, Durkheim, Oakley etc.) and reflection on their own experiences in childhood (primary socialisation) and in the classroom (e.g. the impact of pupil subcultures and labelling). Students will also study the impact policy has on health care provision

  • Students explore the values & beliefs of others through the study of the impact that religious beliefs can have on the health of individuals.

  • Students develop their understanding of human feelings and emotion through the study of the impact of close and personal relationships on the emotional development of individuals. Students will also examine the impact of dysfunctional relationships.

  • Students investigate moral values and ethical issues through the study of different cultural family practices as an investigation into cultural diversity.

  • Students recognise right & wrong and apply it through the study of power in the home, domestic violence, prejudice and discrimination in schools (including sex stereotyping and unintentional/institutional racism) including the impact that these factors can have ion the PIES development of individuals.

  • Students develop their understanding of consequence through the study of controlling behaviour in the home, especially the impact of family dysfunction and abuse in intimate relationships.

  • Students develop personal qualities & social skills through a range of discussions (often on controversial issues such as abuse in intimate relationships). Debates require a sensitive and mature approach.

  • Students participate, cooperate & resolve conflict through discussions, group work and pair work. Conflicting theoretical approaches are studied and conclusions drawn. Students will be given the opportunity to work together on presentations.

  • Students develop their understanding of how societies function through the study of the various social theories on society. This includes Functionalism, The New Right, Marxism, Feminism (Liberal, Marxist and Radical branches), Social Action theory and Postmodernism. All theories are applied to the study of health and social care with attention paid to how these approaches can impact the delivery of care.  

  • Students explore, understand & respect diversity through the study of cultural diversity, the impact gender, class and ethnicity has on the ability to access health care.

  • Students develop their understanding & appreciation of personal influences through the study of socialisation. The role of the ‘sick’ in society is explored with an exploration of the status and expectations of such individuals.

  • Students look at the formation and equality of health and social policy and educational policy.

  • Gender and racial equality is examined and placed into the context of health and social care provision (e.g. access to health care). The importance of formal and informal social control is examined in the context of the impact on PIES development.

  • Students study Social Action theory including Symbolic Interactionism which highlights the importance of human agency in shaping behaviour.

  • Social and cultural diversity is examined. Students to explore how such factors can impact the development of an individual.

  • Students study the impact of religion as an agent of socialisation and its role in social and cultural diversity.

Year 13
  • Students explore the values & beliefs of others through the study of cultural and social diversity

  • Students develop their understanding of human feelings and emotion through an assessment of how individuals can develop self-concepts and self-esteem. Done through the examination of external factors impacting the development of people throughout the various life stages.

  • Students investigate moral values and ethical issues by investigating the complex issues that surround the care of children by the state including an analysis of the ethical considerations and moral implications

  • Students recognise right & wrong and apply it through the study the application of health and safety in the workplace.

  • Students develop their understanding of consequence through the study the impact on the individual and others if health and safety practices are ignored and not adhered to. This includes moral as well as legal consequences.

  • Students develop personal qualities & social skills through a range of discussions (often on controversial issues such the detailed examination of child abuse case studies). Debates require a sensitive and mature approach.

  • Students participate, cooperate & resolve conflict through discussions, group work and pair work.

  • Students develop their understanding of how societies function through the study of key legislation affecting health and safety and the care of children and young people.

  • Students explore, understand & respect diversity through the study of the various external influences on human development.

  • Students develop their understanding & appreciation of personal influences through the study of the wide range of PIES and holistic aspects development of people.

  • Students will examine the role of legislation in a number of contexts (health and safety; protecting children and young people).

  • Students will study the legal framework that employees/employers must operate within and what employees expect from employers (e.g. safe and suitable working conditions). Case studies surrounding child abuse cases will also uncover the role that the law plays in preventing such cases happening in the future.

  • Examples of corporations putting the health of employees at risk and also case studies surrounding the abuse of children are examined which highlight how individual liberty has been threatened.

  • the relationship between employer and employee are examined in terms of health and safety where students are to recognise that there are expectations and responsibilities from both sides.

  • students will see that employers have a duty to respect different faiths and the demands that these can place on individuals. 

Linking Curriculum to Careers

  • Links to jobs and careers within the health, fitness and sports industry.

  • Coaching

  • Risk assessor / safety officer

  • First aider / nurse / paramedic