General Information
School Contact Details
Gateacre School
Hedgefield Rd,
Liverpool L25 2RW
0151 363 1111
Names of members of staff who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public
The school admin team, Natalie White and Hannah Mealor
Name of the Principal
Nabil Jamil
Name and address of the Chair of the Governing Body
Jan Jenkins, Gateacre School, Hedgefield Rd, Liverpool, L25 2RW
Address and telephone number of the Academy Trust’s office and link to their website
Northern Schools Trust
120 Heyworth Street,
Liverpool, L5 0SQ
Name, email address and telephone number of the school’s Careers Leader
Mrs J. Boyd
0151 363 1111
Northern Schools Trust Statement
Northern Schools Trust’s vision is to establish world-class, primary, secondary and specialist schools that are centres of excellence for personal development, leadership, teaching and learning.
The focus of the Trust is on providing exceptional, life-changing opportunities for students from a wide range of social and economic backgrounds, many of whom have experienced exceptional levels of economic and social deprivation.
Key elements of our vision
We will:
- Transform opportunities and change the life chances of young people.
- Deliver a target of No NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training).
- Work in partnership with learners, their families, communities and businesses to broker aspirations, foster great expectations and achieve ambitious goals.
- Establish world-class schools that are centres of excellence for personal development, leadership, teaching and learning.
School’s Mission Statement
Teaching and Learning
We believe that our prime function at Gateacre is to facilitate learning and to provide a broad, balanced and relevant education for all our students.
Values and Attitudes
We seek to develop honesty, reliability, self esteem and self-discipline. Furthermore we endeavour to encourage a caring attitude, a belief in tolerance and equal opportunity and the ability to work co-operatively within teams.
We are committed to working with parents and the community, associated primary schools and the Liverpool Learning Partnership to maximise the benefits for all our students.
We believe that it is essential that we recruit and retain the highest quality of staff who will maintain the Gateacre mission.
School’s Ethos and Values Statement
Staff and governors at Gateacre have worked together to produce an agreed set of Aims for the school.
We have also agreed procedures, a code of conduct and a system of rewards and sanctions for our students which assist us in achieving our aims.
Underpinning all that we strive for is the ethos of our school - our own characteristic spirit and shared set of beliefs. The school´s ethos determines the atmosphere at Gateacre and the quality of personal relationships within our school.
Our ethos may be summarised by the following beliefs:
- Successful education is based on good relationships between staff and students. Mutual respect and co-operation are central to such relationships.
- Sensitive consideration of students by all staff increases their self-esteem which in turn produces greater achievement.
- All students are individuals with differing social backgrounds, talents, aspirations and needs. Each is entitled to mature and develop within a safe and caring environment so that individual potential may be achieved.
- Individual potential is most likely to be realised when staff always demand high yet realistic standards of effort, behaviour and achievement from their students.
- Students appreciate a disciplined environment in which staff act firmly, fairly and consistently.
- Problems are perfectly normal in a school where children are learning and testing the boundaries of acceptable behaviour. Our success is determined not by the absence problems but by the collaborative way in which we deal with them.
Teaching and Learning
We believe that our prime function at Gateacre is to facilitate learning and to provide a broad, balanced and relevant education for all our students.
Values and Attitudes
We seek to develop honesty, reliability, self esteem and self-discipline. Furthermore we endeavour to encourage a caring attitude, a belief in tolerance and equal opportunity and the ability to work co-operatively within teams.
We are committed to working with parents and the community, associated primary schools and the Liverpool Learning Partnership to maximise the benefits for all our students.
We believe that it is essential that we recruit and retain the highest quality of staff who will maintain the Gateacre mission.
Local SEN Offer
Click here for our SEND Information Report (2023)
Click here for our SEND Policy and Guidance (2023)
British Values Statement
Our school vision and ethos incorporates the fundamental British values of: democracy; individual liberty; the rule of law; mutual respect; tolerance of those with different faiths and belief.
These values are promoted not only through the curriculum but also through student experiences, displays, assemblies, the behaviour system, Academic Tutorial programme extra-curricular clubs and the Learning 4 Life Curriculum
The Department for Education outlines a five-part definition of British values:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
Our Values At Gateacre
We believe that the following list exemplifies some of the values held dear by British citizens:
- Democracy
- Respect of the rule of law
- Appreciation of the rights of other citizens
- Individual liberty
- The promotion of opportunities for all
- Support for those who cannot, by themselves, sustain a dignified life-style
- Religious tolerance and respect for cultural diversity
- Treating others with fairness
- Participation in community life
- The contribution to, as well as the benefit from, cultural and economic resources
- Although this list is not exhaustive, we believe it encapsulates the attitudes that Gateacre School values and seeks to inculcate in its young people.
We promote the importance of democracy through such things as:
- School council
- Mock Elections for House captains and House charities
- Student Voice on key areas of school life
- Students are encouraged to voice their thoughts across all curriculum areas by responding to teacher feedback in books, careful questioning by staff, the work they produce and classroom dialogue
- We have a student council who are members of Liverpool School Parliament
- Students learn about democracy in citizenship lessons and assemblies
- Mock elections
Individual Liberty
Individual liberty is promoted through such things as:
- Students are introduced to a range of beliefs and issues so that they are able to make more informed choices for themselves
- Our broad and varied curriculum equips students with the knowledge and skills to broaden the choices they make about future employment and education
- Students are able to make choices about the courses they will study at Key Stage 4
Rule of Law
The importance of the Rule of Law is promoted through:
- The Behaviour for Learning Policy
- The rules (Teacher’s Standards), students (Student Code of Conduct), and Governors.
- We liaise closely with outside agencies including the Police
- The Acceptable Use Policy is used to promote correct use of the internet
- Students are explicitly taught the legal framework on a number of contemporary and social issues
- Safeguarding policy
- Our Learning 4 Life Curriculum
Mutual Respect
In school we promote the importance of mutual respect through such things as:
- Behaviour policy and Code of Conduct
- School Equality Duty and Equal Opportunities policies
- Curriculum areas such as RS, PSHE and Art help students to learn about a wide range of people, cultures and beliefs
Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs
We promote the importance of different faiths and beliefs through:
- Our school ethos
- Our RS Curriculum
- Our Citizenship Programme
The curriculum helps students to learn about a wide range of people, cultures and beliefs and so develops students ability to make informed decisions, form and be confident in their own identity and understand and respect that of others.
- All of our students participate in one 30 minute lesson per week of Citizenship Education from Years 7-13 with themed sessions per term
- The Learning 4 Life Curriculum has a citizenship module in each of Years 7-13 , these modules are delivered by teachers with an area of expertise
- Government and Politics is offered as an option for A Level study
- Assemblies held once a week led by the Head of House or a senior member of staff
- The school’s system of organising students in houses encourages involvement of every pupil in school life
- The school supports local, national and international charities. Many of our students take part in the Duke Of Edinburgh , National Citizen Service and World Challenge
- All our students study RS (also known as Philosophy and Ethics) from Year 7-11. RS GCSE is offered as an option in Key Stage 4, with the remaining students following a non-examined programme of study in Belief and Ethics.
- The British values of Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths are foundational to all areas of Religious Study at Gateacre
Second hand uniform provision
We offer a Uniform Swap Shop service. We want to provide parents with the opportunity to swap worn out, outgrown uniform for donated uniform items by other Gateacre School families for a small donation to the PTFA.
If you have any uniform items you wish to donate, please drop them off to our school reception.
The Swap Shop is available in our reception area each day.
Timings of the day
- 8:40am - Student Line Up and official start of school day
- 8:45am - Registration
- 9:00am - Lesson 1
- 9:50am - Lesson 2
- 10:40am - Break
- 10:55am - Lesson 3
- 11:45am - Lesson 4
- 12:35pm - Lunch A/Assembly B
- 13:05pm - Lunch B/Assembly A
- 13:35pm - Lesson 5
- 14:25pm - Lesson 6
- 15:15pm - End of official school day
32.92 hours
Term Dates
Please see our Policies and Publications page here