Personal Development

SMSC & Cultural Capital

SMSC outline document

Year 7 Art

Students look at the theme of Nature in Year 7 and therefore look at the beauty of the natural environment and factors that affect this. Students are given opportunities to discuss artwork and provide constructive criticism to their peers which develops their ability to express their opinions and taking on the opinions of others. As we look at nature, we see examples of how different artists in different cultures and countries portray the natural environment and how this is different to our own natural environment. Students develop an appreciation and respect for the environment through the study of this theme.

Year 7 Food Technology

Food and nutrition lessons allow pupils the opportunity to exercise imagination, inspiration, ituition and insight through creativity. Introducing students to new foods and skills develops a sense of awe and wonder and also builds on their cultural knowledge as they learn about food and recipes from different countries. Students learn about the Rule of Law through Health and Safety legislation that relates to food and health and safety at work.

Year 7 Technology

Design Technology in Year 7 allows students to think about the sustainability of chosen materials. Students will also experience a sense of awe and wonder as they develop an idea from a thought, to a physical product that could theoretically be mass produced and sold. Students are encouraged to develop their skills of mutual respect as they learn to operate and use machinery in teams safely and efficiently.

Year 8 Art

Through looking at culture as a theme for this work, students can investigate and begin to understand how different communities work in other cultures. Students explore the impact of belief systems on artwork in other cultures and the differences and similarities to our own. As part of looking at another culture we can learn more about that and develop tolerance for others through this study. Students should be able to talk about the differences in communities studied and should explore this through outside classroom tasks and as part of research into artwork.

Year 8 Food Technology

Students work together to develop team working skills and problem-solving skills when researching and exploring different factors relating to how a person’s culinary influence effect food choice such as finance, religion, traditions and exposure habits. We research culinary habits and traditions and how these have been impacted as we have become more multi-cultural. Students will develop an understanding of dietary beliefs such as kosher and vegetarianism.

Year 8 Technology

In Year 8 students are again encouraged to work as part of a team, recognising others’ strengths and sharing equipment. Design Technology promotes equality of opportunity and provides an awareness of areas that have gender issues, for example encouraging girls to use equipment that has been traditionally male dominated. Students work to a set design brief and create a product for a chosen consumer. Students are introduced to new and smart materials and their numerous applications.

Year 9 Art

As students in Year 9 develop their artistic skills they are encouraged to think for themselves and express their own ideas through their artwork and are encouraged to be independent and use their own creative voice. When students produce artwork, they look at public art, graffiti and art which draws it’s influence from Pop and Comic Art. By looking at this style of work it provides students with a gateway to understand the cultural and emotional goings on from around the time period this art stems from. As we investigate more diverse ranges of the term “art” we can discuss issues surrounding “what is Art?” and implications of using machinery and software to create artwork.

Year 9 Technology

Students continue their KS3 Design and Technology studies and get a great sense of enjoyment and achievement from creating products in these areas, using a combination of skills taught in Year 7 & 8 and new skills taught in Year 9. They are now able to confidently make, test and evaluate their products giving them opportunities to challenge themselves and discover talents they may not have been aware of. Students understand and work by health and safety rules and regulations that contribute to a safe working environment.

Year 10 Art, Graphics & Photography

Students develop their social, moral, spiritual and cultural understanding through the study of GCSE Art, Graphics and/or Photography. We look at understanding when it is acceptable t take a photograph and the moral implications that some artists, designers and photographers capture in their work. Students are encouraged to develop their sense of awe and wonder by visiting galleries and exhibitions. Through the annotation of work students develop their individual voice and how to express their own opinions, thoughts and feelings. Students express themselves when producing personal responses.

Year 11 Art, Graphics & Photography

In Year 11, students continue to build on their skills and develop their independence and resilience when workload becomes a challenge to manage. Students in Year 11 are required to independently conduct appropriate research for their personal responses in exam question material, they are encouraged to do this sensitively and to also share their ideas with the class. Some artists that are studied really provide the opportunity to explore social and cultural issues which broaden students’ knowledge of current affairs and issues.

Key Stage Five

In Key Stage Five, students are required to work more independently, researching and collecting suitable materials to complete the course. Students are encouraged to look for opportunities for learning that extend beyond the remit of school and home life. Students engage in extra-curricular activities that require them to visit galleries and exhibitions as part of their course. Students provide critical constructive feedback for their peers within the classroom and they do this with sensitivity and to be constructive.

Linking Curriculum to Careers

Year 7 Art

In Year 7 students begin linking the curriculum to careers through studying a range of artists in the theme of Nature. The artists that students look at use a range of materials and there are references and links made to the careers of an artist, an illustrator, designer and work as a pattern maker. Students are also taken on a visit to see the public artwork of Anthony Gormley, exposing them to practicing artists and widening their understanding of the role of an artist. We build carefully on some of the skills required for a job within the creative industry: creativity, research and attention to detail.


Year 8 Art

In Year 8 students are encouraged to build on their skills for work within the creative sector by refining their skills of creativity, attention to detail and written and verbal communication. Year 8 focus on Native America as their theme and look closely at the cultural artworks that are produced. Jobs within the industry that are linked to the work Year 8 complete are heritage crafts, sculpture and 3D design (through the use of clay) and by extension students understand more about design, architecture and engineering. Students take part in a trip to the Walker Art Gallery to extend their links to opportunities within the local area which also includes printmaking workshops with practicing artists.


Year 9 Art

Year 9 studies for Art play a pivotal role in the awareness of career links to the curriculum and it marks an important milestone in a students’ academic career. In Year 9 we extend our study of Art to include elements of Photography and Graphic Design. We also look at more modern artists to encourage our students to make links to the world in which they live in these are: Banksy, Greg Gossel and Mark Andrew Allen. The careers of public art and murals, comic art, digital media, photography and marketing are explored more within this academic year. Students engage in a careers fair and also take part in a trip to a Lego exhibition in Manchester where they can explore how creativity can open many doors within their careers.

9 Reasons to study Art in High School:


Year 10 Art, Graphics & Photography

As students embark on their GCSE studies in any of the art disciplines, they will be responding to briefs, adhering to deadlines, developing tolerance and acceptance of other which are all behaviour traits essential to the workplace. Students are encouraged to develop their independence (by making their work personal), confidence (by developing their own ideas) and resilience (by experimenting with new media and materials). Students take part in artist visits and workshops in Year 10 and Photography students prepare for and set up their own location photography shoots which enables them to work like a practicing photographer. Graphic Design students work on realistic briefs that would be seen in the working world. For all three disciplines, the curriculum is designed around contextual links that centre around practicing artists, designers and photographers and students are encouraged to connect with them via social media links.


Year 11 Art, Graphics & Photography

In their final year of GCSE study, students continue to build on the qualities needed for any workplace: working as a team, working to deadlines, sharing ideas, working to a brief with limits and constraints and thinking creatively. The final year of GCSE studies is a culmination of the career guidance, skills and information that students have received. Many students attend open evenings for local colleges, sixth forms and apprenticeship providers, submit applications and attend their first interviews for college courses. We help students by providing them with portfolio “clinics” that allow them the guidance they require to put together their first interview portfolio and advice on how to deliver a successful interview. Many of our students stay on to complete A Level Art at Gateacre Sixth Form.

How to make an art portfolio for college of university:


Key Stage Five

Students begin their two year A Level course where they work in a studio-style set-up. As well as structured lessons students are taught via individual tutorials and are expected to work independently and keep up with deadlines. Students will be making decisions regarding their progression into work or higher education and students are supported with portfolio clinics and their UCAS applications. Visits to end-of-year degree shows are also arranged which provide opportunities to visit and see a University.


Linking Curriculum to Careers – further useful links - Creative Future - This organisation provides support and guidance for under-represented artists in the UK. - Creative & Cultural Skills - This organisation supports the UK cultural sector by shaping skills, education and employment best practice. – National Careers Service – This webpage provides information about the 100s of jobs available within the creative and media sector. - STEAM – This article talks about the important of arts integration within “STEM” projects.

Teachers of my children have aways been amazing and great role models for them.
6th Form Parent