Personal Development

SMSC & Cultural Capital

Year 7
  • Cyberbullying- Students gain an understanding of how people feel when they are being Cyberbullied and the effects this can have on a person. The students spend time reflecting on how e-safety and cyberbullying can affect people both emotional and physical and how they can develop their work to fascinate their target audience.

  • Self/Peer assessment. Students consider their own progress and support the progress of others, whilst also building relationships
  • Scratch - using their own imaginations and creativity students are able to design their own sprites, backgrounds and scripts. Self/Peer assessment. Students consider their own progress and support the progress of others, whilst also building relationships
  • Moral values and ethical issues considered in cyberbullying. Students also consider the consequences of their actions for example: Criminal records for Cyberbullying and breaking the copyright law.
  • Students consider the consequences of their actions for example: Criminal records for breaking the copyright law. Moral values and ethical issues considered. Creative Commons/plagiarism.
  • Encourage respect for the computer room and the equipment they use and how this affects others.
  • Students consider the moral use of programming. Hacking and ethical hacking. Computer Misuse Act.
  • Students consider the health and safety issues involved with working in Computing/IT.
  • Peer work and assessments as and where appropriate and reflective evaluations allow students to consider their progress and support the progress of others, whilst also building relationships. Students gain an understanding of how they should be socialising online and discuss how they should resolve any conflicts that they may have with other people.
  • Social online, hits, likes, comments – students will learn how to check the validity of these.
  • Students will learn how to use computers effectively and ethically. Students will learn about the use and abuse of personal data and how it can be prevented from happening.
  • Scratch - Students PA each other’s work (where appropriate to lesson) explaining what the student did well and what improvements they could make to the game. All students are encouraged to verbally communicate with one another to discuss any improvements needed to the game. Peer work and assessments as and when appropriate and reflective evaluations allow students to consider their progress and support the progress of others, whilst also building relationships.
  • Cultural awareness of their audience when they are creating their final document
  • Students see how closely computing can link with maths as they are required to create a spreadsheet and analyse data, create formula and functions to perform simple and complex calculations.
  • Scratch - When students are creating a program, they need to consider how they can attract a diverse audience.
  • Creating a presentation to reach a wide target audience. Thinking about networks in their school and across the world keeping people connected.
  • Mutual respect, the rule of law.
Year 8
  • Self-assessments, peer assessments and reflective evaluations allow students to consider their progress and support the progress of others, whilst also building relationships.

  • Students learn about safe and responsible use of digital technology.
  • Peer work and assessments as and when appropriate and reflective evaluations allow students to consider their progress and support the progress of others, whilst also building relationships.
  • Students will learn how computers have developed through history into the devices they are familiar with today.
  • Mutual respect, the rule of law.
Year 9
  • Students will learn how to use computers effectively and ethically. Students will learn about the use and abuse of personal data and how it can be prevented from happening.
  • All units - Students have opportunities to self/peer-assess and reflect/evaluate their work. Students consider their own progress and support the progress of others, whilst also building relationships.
  • Students experience fascination and express their creativity by creating a design followed by a program in Python programming language which develops a solution to a problem.
    Students consider their own progress and support the progress of others, whilst also building relationships.
  • Students express their creativity by creating an image and understanding the use of colour in images for moods.
  • Students learn about safe and responsible use of digital technology .
    Laws covered
    Students gain an understanding of the laws surrounding storing people’s information, this is related to the Data Protection Act. We give examples including police databases and hospital databases.
  • Students learn about safe and responsible use of digital technology .
    Also linked to laws surrounding DATA and information
  • To always ensure that you ensure any products created could not offend including Gender – ethnicity.
  • Looking at project work meaning being able to understand the need for working with others and the responsibility that brings.
  • Moral use of computers VS Hacking and stealing of information through programming.
  • Understand the need for graphics images not to offen / or why graphics do and can offend.
  • Responsibility for staying safe when using digital technology
    Being able to help members of the family in staying safe.
  • Social Media, communicating online.
  • Film making and how animation has played its part in the development of films and gaming.
  • Graphics and film making and how animation has played its part in the development of graphics, films and gaming.
    Computing clubs and online forums for similar like-minded individuals.
  • Working together on graphics as part of a team.
  • Learners will appreciate that I.T. contributes to the development of our culture and is becoming increasingly central to our highly technological future.
  • Cultural awareness of their audience when they creating their App.
  • Mutual respect, tolerance, the rule of law

Year 10

  • Developing knowledge and understanding of how IT has changed the way people interact with technology in their daily lives (including Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, communication, shopping, gaming, entertainment, education and training, social networking etc.)
  • Learning about appropriate uses of software, malicious use of software and the damage it can cause, and the safe and responsible use of IT.
  • Social issues that can affect users of IT, including the use and abuse of personal and private data, cyber bullying etc.
  • Helping learners to appreciate that IT contributes to the development of our culture and to our highly technological future. How learners need to show cultural awareness of their audience when communicating with IT.
  • Learning about the ethical implications of the electronic storage and transmission (sending/receiving) of personal information.
    How IT can affect the quality of life experienced by persons with disabilities and the responsibility to meet individuals’ access requirements.
  • Mutual Respect, Tolerance and The Rule of the law.

Year 11
  • Developing knowledge and understanding of how Creative iMedia has changed the way people interact with technology in their daily lives (including communication, shopping, gaming, entertainment, education and training, social networking etc.)
  • Learning about appropriate uses of software, malicious use of software and the damage it can cause, and the safe and responsible use of IT used within Creative iMedia.
  • Social issues that can affect users of IT, including the use and abuse of personal and private data, cyber bullying etc.
  • Helping learners to appreciate that Creative iMedia contributes to the development of our culture and to our highly technological future.
    How learners need to show cultural awareness of their audience when communicating with IT.
  • Learning about the ethical implications of the electronic storage and transmission of personal information.
    How Creative iMedia can affect the quality of life experienced by persons with disabilities and the responsibility to meet individuals’ access requirements.
  • Mutual Respect, Tolerance and The Rule of the law.

Year 12 and 13
  • How people interact with technology in their daily lives (VR and AR, social media business communication, entertainment, business etc.)
  • Learning about appropriate uses of software, malicious use of software and the damage it can cause, and the safe and responsible use of IT.
  • Social issues that can affect users of IT, including the use and abuse of personal and private data.
  • Helping learners to appreciate that creative IT contributes to the development of our culture and to our highly technological future.
    How learners need to show cultural awareness of their audience when communicating using IT. Creating their Augmented Product. Creating their social media posts
  • Learning about the ethical implications of the electronic storage and transmission of personal information.
    How IT can affect the quality of life experienced by persons with disabilities and the responsibility to meet individuals’ access requirements.
  • Learning about making informed decisions about the choice, implementation, and use of IT depending upon cost and the efficient management of money and resources.
  • Mutual Respect, The Rule of Law

Linking Curriculum to Careers

Year 7
  • Digital graphics designer, Web content creator, Gaming industry, Police, Online safety e.g. CEOP

  • Social Media for businesses, police, Online safety e.g. CEOP

  •  Web content creator, Programming industry, Software tester

  • Website developer, IT Technician, Network Manager, Digital graphics designer, Web content creator. Hardware and Software Tester

  • Computer Control developer, IT Technician, Network Manager, Hardware and Software Tester

Year 8
  • Gaming industry, police, online safety e.g. CEOP

  • Digital graphics designer, Web content creator

  • Gaming industry

  • Computing and IT industry, Programmer

  • Digital animator

Year 9
  • Gaming industry, Police, Online safety e.g. CEOP

  • Police, government, business, ethical hacker

  • Digital graphics designer, Web content creator

  • Website developer, IT Technician, Network Manager, Digital graphics designer, Web content creator. Hardware and Software Tester

  • Accountancy, database designer

  • Programming industry, Computer Control developer, IT Technician, Network Manager, Hardware and Software Tester

Year 10
  • Digital graphics designer, web content creator

  • Website developer, IT Technician, Network Manager, Digital graphics designer, web content creator

Year 11
  • Website Tester (software testing), IT Technician, Network Manager, Digital graphics designer, web content creator

  • Working in Digital Media

  • Interactive Multimedia Designer, Software testing. IT Technician, Network Manager, Digital graphics designer, digital content creator

"My daughter has flourished at Gateacre. She has admiration and fondness for her teachers and has built a great rapport which is built on mutual respect."
6th Form Parent