Reading in Drama
"When I read great literature, great drama, speeches or sermons, I feel that the human mind has not achieved anything greater than the ability to share feelings and thoughts through language." James Earl Jones, actor.
Reading is central to Drama, and through practical lessons, we bring the written word to life, adding colour, texture and meaning to the words on the page. Students engage with reading extracts from novels, poems and plays at every level of their Drama education whilst at Gateacre.
The use of texts supports students in their understanding of the world around them, and Drama and Theatre as an art form. Regular trips to see these texts in action help students fully engage with the meaning and subtexts of each piece we study.
The list below is not exhaustive, with GCSE and A-Level students having autonomy over which scripts they perform for examination each year. A large, engaging library of texts can be sourced from the Drama department for students to explore and engage in their love of reading.
Reading in Drama - Year 7:
The Aliens Have Landed - Ken Nesbitt
Alien Abduction Resource - Gateacre staff
Character Cards - Gateacre staff
Monologue starters - Gateacre staff
Holes narration - Gateacre staff
Holes, the play - adapted from Louis Sachar's novel
Ernie's Incredible Illucinations - Alan Ayckbourn
The Serpent and The Eagle - Fable
Reading in Drama - Year 8:
Spooky Stories Action Narration - Gateacre staff
Overcoming Obstacles - various newspaper articlesÂ
Where is the Love - Black Eyed Peas
Wasn't Expecting That - Jamie Lawson
Titanic Letters - letters from survivors of the Titanic distater
Alice in Wonderland extracts - Lewis Carroll
Reading in Drama - year 9:
Bouncers - John Godber
Shakers - John and Jane Godber
Teechers - John Godber
Practitioner flashcards - Gateacre staff
The Last Resort - Chris Owen
The Stones - Shock Therapy Productions
Reading in Drama - GCSE
Blood Brothers - Willy Russell
Students work with staff to choose suitable plays to read and explore for their GCSE practical examinations
Reading in Drama - A-Level
Our Country's Good - Timberlake Wertenbaker
A Servant to Two Masters - Carlo Goldoni
Students work with staff to choose suitable plays to read and explore for their GCSE practical examinations