Advice and Guidance

Relationships can be confusing. Especially if you really like someone but they do things you're not comfortable with. So think about what feels right for you.


Making Sense of How You Feel

Being in a new relationship can make you feel excited, happy and in control. It’s normal to enjoy getting compliments, feeling special and safe or like you’ve got more confidence. But relationships can sometimes change and it can be hard to know when things are starting to go wrong. In a healthy relationship someone shouldn’t try to control you. Controlling or threatening behaviour can be physical, sexual, emotional, financial or psychological. If your relationship doesn’t feel right, it may be time to end it.


Saying what you want

You have the right to say how you feel and to be respected. Consent in relationships is about feeling in control and saying yes or doing things because you choose to, not because someone is pressuring you to.If someone is pressuring you to have sex, do something sexual, dangerous or violent, this is wrong. If you ever feel unsure, unsafe or get that sick feeling in your tummy, it could mean you’re not comfortable with what’s happening. Being in an unhealthy relationship can mean that you’re being exploited or abused. And this is never OK. So it's important to listen to yourself. And get support at any time.


Below are a list of links to the Childline website on the topics raised above:

Six things in a healthy relationship:


  • Good communication
  • Mutual respect
  • Trust
  • Honesty
  • Equality
  • Being yourself



Find out what consent means

Feeling pressured to have sex


Having sex is a big decision. If you don’t feel comfortable or ready to have sex or do sexual things with someone, then you don't have to. The person you’re with should care about you enough not to pressure you or make you do something you’re not happy about.

Consent means agreeing to do something. People can stop giving consent at any time. Sex is only ever okay if both people involved want to have sex. Having sex if someone hasn’t given their consent (which means they don’t want to have sex) is illegal and is called rape. There can be a lot of pressure from things like music videos or online porn to have sex. And it might seem like lots of other young people are doing it. Or talking about doing it. But this shouldn’t be a reason to start having sex. Everyone is different, and you should do it because you want to, you feel ready and you're 16 or over. If you need to talk about sex, you can talk to us or Childline any time. 

Click the links below for information about the topics above.

But I said yes before...

Even if you’ve said yes to something before or felt OK with stuff, you can still change your mind and say no. It can be confusing if someone is pressuring you.Remember, it’s wrong for anyone to:


  • make you feel bad for saying no and to keep asking you
  • pressure you into feeling like you owe them something
  • bully you or call you names because they don’t agree with your decision
  • threaten to tell other people or share stuff online
  • offer you something in exchange for sex
  • force you into anything or hurt you.
  • It's important to think about what feels right for you. And remember - always #ListenToYourSelfie. 


What to do if you feel unsafe

Ending a relationship can be really difficult, and there are some things could put extra pressure on you. These could include things like grooming, blackmail or emotional pressure. If your boyfriend or girlfriend makes you feel scared in your relationship, it's important to get support. Try talking to an adult you trust or to a Childline counsellor. Having a safety plan can also help keep you safe. Read the safety plan instructions below and make sure you keep your plan in a safe place where your partner won’t see it.


Tips for ending a bad relationship


  • Plan what you want to say -Focus on your feelings but remember to clearly say that you want to end things.
  • Pick a neutral place - Meet in neutral place with other people around. This is important for staying safe.
  • Plan how you'll get home - Plan how you'll get home safely before you meet up. It's also a good idea to let a friend or family member know where you're going. 
  • Talk to people you trust - Getting support from your family, friends and people you trust can really help you to feel better.
  • Distract yourself -Spend some time doing things that make you feel good about yourself. Find out what you like, what you're good at or try joining a club.
  • Look after yourself -Taking care of yourself can include things like trying not to go out too much or drink too much. You may be tempted to contact your ex or feel vulnerable.
  • Remember it's not your fault - If they contact you again, remember this isn't fair and remember they should respect your decision. If they pressure or threaten you, talk to an adult you trust.

 If you feel unsafe at home (Click Image)

 We've got advice to help you cope if you're feeling unsafe staying at home.


Safety plan instructions (Click Image)

Download a safety plan instructions to help you think about ways to keep yourself safe.


 Safety plan form (Click Image)

Download a safety plan template to map out how you can stay safe.


Are you in a healthy relationship ? - advice and support
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