Admissions Information
Admissions Procedures: By 15 March each year, the school must publish the admission arrangements for children who will be starting school at the normal point of entry in September of the following year. It must retain them there for the whole of the academic year in which offers for places are made.
Admission Arrangements
Admission arrangements are the responsibility of Liverpool Education Authority. Parents apply online via their local council when their children are in Year 6 and must be submitted by 31st October. Gateacre has provision for 240 places a year. When we are oversubscribed, it may not be possible for all applicants to have a place. If there are more applications than places then Liverpool City Council for community secondary schools will make the final decision.
All admissions to Gateacre School are co-ordinated by Liverpool City Council Admissions Team (click below)
Determined admission arrangements for 2024-25
Community Secondary School Admission Arrangements for September 2025
Determined admission arrangements for 2025-26
Gateacre School Admissions Policy 2026
In-year Admissions Policy
By 31 August each year, the school must publish how it will manage in-year applications for places (that is, applications for places in the middle of a school year, or to start in the September of a year which is not the normal point of entry).
(We are working on this information and will update this section very shortly)
Admissions Appeals
By 28 February each year, we must publish a timetable setting out how we will organise and hear admission appeals.
Parents/Carers may submit an appeal if their Year 7 child’s application is unsuccessful. Appeals should be made using the Appeal Form and submitted by 28th March 2025. Parents/Carers will be given 10 days’ notice of an appeal hearing, which will be held by 13th June 2025. If an appeal is lodged after 28th March 2025, the hearing will take place within 30 school days from the date on which it was lodged.
Appeal hearings will be conducted by an independent panel, whose decision is final and binding on both the parents/carers and the school.
For applications to other year groups, appeals may be lodged using the Appeal Form. Parents will be informed 10 days prior to the hearing, which will be held within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
Sixth form appeals, where the offer of a place was conditional upon exam results, will be heard within 30 school days of the confirmation of the results.
Admissions Appeal Form 2024-25
Admission appeal timetables/dates
(We are working on this information and will update this section very shortly)
Appeals guidance
(We are working on this information and will update this section very shortly)
Admission of children outside the normal age group policy
(We are working on this information and will update this section very shortly)
Allocation of Places
(We are working on this information and will update this section very shortly)
Waiting List
(We are working on this information and will update this section very shortly)
Admissions Arrangements for Year 7
(We are working on this information and will update this section very shortly)
Open Day(s) Information
(We are working on this information and will update this section very shortly)