Term Dates, Policies and Publications
Term Dates
Click here for Gateacre School Term Dates 2024-25
Click here for Gateacre School Term Dates 2025-26
16-19 Bursary Policy (2024-25)
Anti-Bullying Policy (Within Behaviour Policy) (2023-24)
Attendance and Punctuality Policy (2023)
Careers and Enterprise Policy (2022-24)
Careers and Enterprise Programme (2022-23)
Careers Provider Access Statement (2023)
Charging and Remissions Policy (2023)
SEND information report (SEND arrangement for handling complaints) (2023)
Electronic Information and Communication Systems Policy This policy is presently being ratified by Governors
Equalities Policy (and Equality Objectives) (2023)
Freedom of Information: Policy and Publications Scheme - This policy is presently being ratified by Governors
Positive Handling Policy - This policy is presently being ratified by Governors
Privacy Notice (Pupils and Families) - This policy is presently being ratified by Governors
Privacy Notice (Pupils Aged 13+) (2019)
Pupil ICT Acceptable Use Policy - This policy is presently being ratified by Governors
Pupil Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Policy (2021)
Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy (2023-24)
Records Management Policy - This policy is presently being ratified by Governors
Remote Learning Policy (2021-22)
Safeguarding (Child Protection) Policy (2024)
SEND Information Report, Guidance and Policy (name and details of school SENCO) (2023)
Liverpool Council's SEND Local Offer Strategy 2023-26
Separated Parents Policy - This policy is presently being ratified by Governors
Subject Access Request Form - This form is presently being ratified by Governors
Uniform Guide for Parents - Additional Information
A link to the Annual Equalities Statement - This publication is presently being ratified by Governors
Secondary School Pupil Premium Funding Report (2022-25)
Additional Policies and Publications
Any additional policies or publications will appear here
Supporting Students With Medical Conditions Policy (2014)
Health, Safety and Welfare Policy (2019)
Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments Policy (2023)